Clark was totally unexpected but so welcome!
I saw him on the live stream of the ASCA Nationals and fell in love with this awesome clean mover, he won his 6-9m class multiple times at nationals
Clark is named after superman Clark Kent as this boy can not keep his four feet on the ground and loves to fly
Playing ball and running around with his buddy's at home are his hobby's
The plan was that Clark would be raised by Sofia (cuppa's breeder) and then would come live with me in the Netherlands but after having him for over a year i could not break Sofia's heart to take him away from her so we decided RImini, Italy would be his homebase
Clark will regulary come visti the Netherlands for FCI and ASCA Events
Thank you to Breeders Fam. Mcguire and Elizabeth Stibley for this boy and Sofia Lisi for your endless love for him

FCI/ASCA Registered
Date of Birth: 21 april 2021
Not Red factor
Hips FCI A | Elbows Clear
Eyes: Cleared Yearly | Clear of hereditary cataract gene
Mdr1 Normal/Clear
CMR1 Clear | DM Clear
PRA Clear | CEA Clear
CMR1 clear | NCL6 clear
MH Clear | Hsf4 clear
HUU clear
Scissor bite | Missing 1 P1
Weight 26kg | Height 56cm
San Marino Champion
Dutch Champion
Italian Champion
International Champion
Best in show Italian Specialty
ASCA major pointed (on 9points)
Multiple RWD ASCA